Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Millionaire Investors. Thanks to Jerome Adair

How to Add Millionaire Investors to Your Network

Your network is extremely important. I’m always surprised at how many struggling investors I meet who are trying to break into the real estate game without the support of experienced investors.

For some of them it’s not for lack of trying. Many of them have gone to networking events and REIA clubs and have passed out business cards, but they find that the only people willing to work with them are other novice investors.

So how do you get the experienced investors to take notice of you? How do you get into their inner circle? How do you get to the point that #1) they actually take your call when you call them and #2) they actually know who you are and will work with you?

Because when you approach an experienced investor you probably realize they are very busy, but what you might not know is that they get approached fairly regularly by new investors who want to learn real estate from them. Here’s an excerpt from an email I received yesterday:

“I am very interested in real estate. I am a new real estate wholesaler and would like to work under other investors guidance to learn all aspects of the business. I am a hard working person with a good work ethic…”

I get a couple of these emails a week. A lot of investors do. Everyone one of these people describe themselves as “hard working”, they’re a “team player”, they “learn quickly” etc… Those are important qualities, but they won’t make you stand out.

If you’re interested in expanding your network, here’s a little tip that got me got me some face time with some amazing investors.
They’ve gotta eat, right?

For an average of $10, I sat down with several amazing investors and got to pick their brains for an hour. This was when I was very first getting started and brought nothing but my enthusiasm to the table. And I brought lunch…

If you meet an investor you’d like to get to know, ask them if you can take them out to lunch. Before you invite them to lunch, I suggest you find out a little about them first and use it to stroke their ego a bit. Here’s what happened the very first time I tried this:

I was new at a networking event, and I asked a new acquaintance named Norene “Who do you know here that is doing really well?”

Norene said “Matt, the guy over there, is doing well. He’s in the middle of a $25 million land deal in Hawaii right now.”

Using this information, I approached Matt.

Me: “Hi Matt. I’m a friend of Norene’s and she was telling me that you’ve been doing pretty well in real estate.”

Matt (you’d have to know him to appreciate his answer): “I’m doing all right.”

Me: “From what I’ve heard you’re doing better than all right.” He chuckles. “I’m new here and I was wondering if I could take you out to lunch?”

I figured if anyone was going to turn me down, it would be him. But he accepted, and for a $6 sub sandwich (he chose the location) I got to pick his brain for an hour and a half. It was awesome.

I did this several more times and sat down one-on-one with multi-millionaire investors for an average of $10/hour, and new investors have done this with me since. It’s amazing what most people will do for food. If you offered to pay me good money to sit down and teach you real estate, I’d likely decline. If you offered me pizza, I would probably take you up on it. I really can’t explain why.

This is a great way of getting your foot in the door of an investor’s network. It’s a great start, but here’s the problem you run into: One lunch is not going to do the trick. Even after an hour of face time, they’ll likely forget your name after a couple weeks and you’re back to square one.

Lunch is just a first step–it’s just an introduction (by the way, don’t quiz an investor about real estate strategies when you sit down with them–ask them about themselves and how they got started, and then perhaps specific deals that they’ve done. You’ll get some great info and they won’t feel you’re just out to get free real estate tutoring–you do, after all, want to form a good relationship with this person).

There are a couple more steps you should take after that to cement the relationship, including simply saying the one thing that would be music to the ears of any investor (that they basically never hear from beginning investors)…

I’m not going to go into more detail here. I’ve saved those next steps for the “The 7 Great Lies of Real Estate Investing” Guide. Visit
the 7 Lies page here to learn more.
-Jarom Adair
Real Estate Investing for Beginners

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A thought to contemplate

" In a day, when you don't come across any problems, you can be sure that you are travelling in a wrong path"

......................Swami Vivekananda

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What does “Filthy Stinking Rich” really mean ? ? ?

“Filthy Stinking Rich” — A Moral Lesson

Here’s a quick exercise for you.

Finish this phrase: “Rich people are______________.”

How did you complete this phrase? Are your answers mostly positive or negative? Did you think of words like successful, accomplished, and disciplined? Or did you come up negative words like greedy, snotty, or ruthless?

Whether you admire or despise the wealthy, how you feel about money and the people who have it will determine–more than the knowledge in your head or the situation you grew up under–whether you will be financially successful or not. You cannot be wealthy if you feel wealth is bad. If you have negative associations with money you will repel it rather than attract it.

This concept is nothing new, but the ramifications are huge.

I hope you want to become wealthy. More than that, I hope you want to be filthy stinking rich.

I’ll tell you why in a moment.

But first realize that if you’ve been telling yourself “I’d like to have enough to live on and do what I want, but I don’t need more than that” then you’re missing the point. The point of becoming wealthy isn’t so that you can gorge yourself on expensive things, live fat and happy, and tell the rest of the world to go to hell.

If you’ve seen “Batman Begins” you’d seen how Bruce Wayne’s father, Dr. Thomas Wayne, had left Wayne Enterprises in the hands of “more interested” individuals so that he could volunteer at the hospital. I’m sure he, speaking as if he were a real person, touched the lives of hundreds of people through his simple service.

But more than just the services he provided I’m sure that, because of the billions of dollars he had from business, he was able to provide needed medical equipment to the hospital, allow people to get surgeries that they couldn’t afford, and a lot of good was done because he had the resources to back up his volunteer work. Good people can do so much more good in the world if they have money.

Somewhere along the line many people developed the idea that being poor is holy, and that if you live in poverty amongst the poor you can do the greatest good.

I think that’s ridiculous.

I think scratching to make a living keeps people from serving others, and living paycheck to paycheck is so time consuming that it keeps people from reaching their full potential. If you can barely help yourself, it’s going to be hard to really help someone else.

“Playing little” doesn’t do anything to help the world. If that’s your game, you’re going to need a whole lot more ambition than that to make it in the real estate investing business. Only those who want to do big things with their lives are going to have the drive and vision to make it in real estate.

Get it in your head that you are going to be very wealthy, because it’s the wealthy that have the time and resources to really make a difference in the world. Even Mother Theresa, sworn to poverty, could not have accomplished a fraction of what she did without the financial backing of wealthy donors. She raised millions in her lifetime, and hard-working individuals had to earn enough money to take care of themselves first and then earn more money so they could give it away.

That is why I hope you want to be wealthy.

By the way, why do people use the term “filthy stinking rich?” Answer: Jealousy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How will the new Interest Rate regime work ???

Interest rates: Another step to ‘normality’
Reserve Bank Board meeting

• The Reserve Bank has lifted the cash rate from 3.75 per cent to 4.00 per cent. If banks fully pass on the rate hike then repayments on an average $300,000 loan would lift by just over $47 a month.
• The Reserve Bank has given no guidance on future rate decisions other than highlighting the fact that borrowing rates should “be closer to average”. Overall, that suggests rates have another 35-70 basis points to go.

What does it all mean?
• It’s important not to over-analyse the latest interest rate decision. The Reserve Bank has lifted the cash rate for the simple reason is that it is still too low for an economy that is getting back to normal. And if the economy continues to improve, then we can expect the Reserve Bank to lift rates further.
• Certainly the rate decision will be ‘live’ for the next few months. The Reserve Bank doesn’t want people to assume that it has tunnel vision – that is, it is fixated on some specific interest rate goal. But the Reserve Bank Governor has provided good broad guidance, noting that interest rates are around 50-100 basis points away from ‘normal’. CommSec has consistently noted that the cash rate will be between 4.50-5.00 per cent late in 2010 and there has been nothing of late to sway us from that view.
• The one point that should always be kept in mind when rates are rising is that just a third of the population is in the process of paying off home loans. Another third are renting and the remaining third of families own their homes. The home-buying population wouldn’t be shocked by the rate decision – many of the longer-term mortgagees would be well in front in their repayments. Renters would be unfussed by the rates decision with anecdotes that some landlords are offering incentives at present such as the first month free. And home-owners would be cheering the lift in interest rates with a view to higher term deposit rates.
• When the Reserve Bank is contemplating monetary conditions in the economy, it isn’t just thinking about the cash rate and interest rates applied by lenders. It also has to keep in mind the Aussie dollar. The Aussie dollar remains strong, hovering near US90 cents and at 25-year highs against the British pound. The high Aussie may be good news for travellers, but it is keeping the pressure on exporters and tourism-dependent regions.

Interest rate decision and past cycles
• The Reserve Bank Board has lifted the cash rate by 25 basis points to 4.00 per cent – the first rate hike since December last year. In October 2009 cash rates stood at a 49-year low of 3.00 per cent. After quarter percent rate hikes in October, November and December the cash rate stood at 3.75 per cent. Rates were left unchanged in February before today’s decision to lift rates again.
• In the last rate cutting cycle the cash rate fell to lows of 4.25 percent in December 2001. In the two previous rate cutting cycles, the cash rate fell to lows of 4.75 per cent. So rates are still historically low.
• If banks pass on the latest rate hike in full, the average bank variable housing rate would lift to 6.90 per cent. Still, it’s important to note that the mortgage rate has averaged 7.60 per cent over the past 5 years and 7.25 per cent over the past decade. Mortgage rates are still low – up to 70 basis points below longer-term averages.
• The Reserve Bank hasn’t given specific guidance, other than noting that further rate hikes lie ahead: “Interest rates to most borrowers nonetheless remain lower than average. The Board judges that with growth likely to be close to trend and inflation close to target over the coming year, it is appropriate for interest rates to be closer to average. Today’s decision is a further step in that process.”

What are the implications of today’s decision?
• The Reserve Bank is taking its time in lifting rates to more ‘normal’ levels. It knows that it has time on its side. Other major central banks haven’t started lifting rates yet and global jitters still remain. Meanwhile, at home inflationary pressures continue to ease. Add in the continued strength of the Aussie dollar and it’s clear that the Reserve Bank hasn’t got a defined month-by-month plan to lift rates.
• While consumers are confident, they remain cautious about spending. And with interest rates up again, that hesitancy to spend will continue. Larger retailers are better able to withstand this period of consumer conservatism as there are limits to how far and how long smaller retailers can cut margins.
• Competition for domestic funds is expected to remain intense, representing attractive opportunities for savers.
• Ignore any stories about borrowers under pressure as a result of the latest rate hike. The number of borrowers experiencing stress as a result of the latest rate hike would be extremely small. Most borrowers, as well as most lenders, have assumed substantial rate hikes into their planning and budgeting decisions.

Source Craig James, Chief Economist, CommSec

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The billion dollar baby

Wednesday, 03 March 2010
Yes that is $1,000,000,000…
The Australian property market continues to defy the odds, posting stellar auction clearance results over the weekend.
According to statistics from RP Data, Melbourne posted an auction clearance rate of 82.7 per cent.
Perhaps more impressive however, was the fact that the city managed to clear more than $1 billion in total sales over the weekend.
The most expensive property sold was a three bedroom home in Melbourne’s Toorak, which sold under the hammer for a cool $4.7 million. Ordinary two bed units, stock built in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, in the inner East and Bayside defied belief and sold at around $9,000 pqsm, a price usually reserved for off-the-plan acquisitions.

Sydney, Adelaide and Perth all managed to post above average record clearance results as well.
In Sydney, 77.6 per cent of properties were cleared over the weekend, while 68.3 per cent and 66.7 per cent were cleared in Adelaide and Perth respectively.
Overall, the national weighted clearance rate across Australia was 77 per cent.

RP Data’s national research director Tim lawless said the clearance rate was very strong, suggesting there are still plenty of buyers in the market.
“To provide some relativity, at the same time last year the clearance rate was 63 per cent across 1,335 auctions,” Mr Lawless told The Adviser.
“The important thing about auctions clearance rates is that they provide arguably the most timely barometer of real estate market sentiment available. A strong clearance rate suggests vendor and buyer expectations are reasonably in balance. Vendor price expectations are being met by buyers and buyers are active enough to provide a competitive bidding environment.
“For the time being it looks like auction markets and clearance rates are set to continue to their strong performance.

Based on the RP Data – Rismark Hedonic Home Value indices, values are continuing to climb with a 2.4 per cent gain in national home values over the three months ending January.”

According to Mr Lawless, vendors are continuing to place a large number of properties on the market, with the number of new listings hitting the market currently higher than at any time last year.
At the same time, the total amount of stock available for sale is actually lower than the same time last year, suggesting that buyers are continuing to outweigh sellers.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Become Jack’s Strategic Partner in EQUINEX.COM.AU

March 2, 2010

Dear Strategic Partner
Consider for a moment, would you like to??

Add more revenue streams and greater profits with very little effort and investment?
Generate more clients and work within your own business?
Become part of a referral and opportunity flow network dedicated to delivering on client
If yes, then this is our invitation to you……..

Explore the opportunity of becoming a Strategic Partner with Equinex and to make a difference to both our clients and our collective businesses wealth creation success.
Who is Equinex?

Equinex is an Australian based company operating locally, regionally and nationally. We are passionate about achieving wealth and business creation results for our clients through leading edge strategies, opportunities and professional services. We provide a complete wealth and business solutions approach including

* Complete property solutions including advice, advocacy, property developments and investment opportunities.
* Access to all forms of finance and business expansion capital.
* Wealth Creation services, products and education.
* Business mentoring and also imagineering solutions (through our sister company HotIdeas)

What is the Equinex Strategic Partner Program?

The outcome when creating this initiative was to establish strategic relationships with other businesses and professionals who also want to make a difference to their clients/ contacts wealth and business creation potential and ultimately their lives by referring to our platform of services and opportunities. By becoming a strategic partner means being rewarded for your efforts, particularly in todays business environment where creating multiple streams of revenue is becoming essential to building the bottom line.

The guiding outcomes for the program is together to

* Create mutually beneficial relationships that attract, enable, and retain joint customers
* Identify new business opportunities with existing customers
* Develop lucrative opportunities through joint prospecting, lead qualification, and pipeline building
* Merge core competencies

Who can benefit from being part of the program

A potential strategic partner is simply a professional/business owner who has a database of clients and contacts with whom they have influence with and that on the strength of their recommendations will look at potential opportunities. Potential partners as an example can be,

* Accountants
* Lawyers
* Financial planners
* Finance brokers
* Business owners and consultants

The 3 reasons “why” for being a Strategic Partner

There are the 3 compelling reasons to partner with Equinex;

* 1 You add multiple revenue streams. By becoming a Strategic partner and referring clients to the Equinex service platform, you add new cashflow opportunities in addition to your core business. Also for some of our strategic partners, by their clients choosing to do business with Equinex creates more work for them, e.g. if you are an Accountant, Solicitor or finance broker, the chances are they will need more of what you do.
* 2 We will show you how to get more clients.We will share with you the latest high impact low cost marketing strategies which will market you more powerfully and generate new profitable clients for your business. We run a series of Business Creator workshops that you will be invited to that will provide the marketing ideas, the collateral and the strategies that you can apply in your business to generate greater revenue results.
* 3 We will share with you powerful business building ideas.You will receive further invites to a variety of workshops designed for business leaders on a variety of business creation subjects.

+61 3 9867 4450