Sunday, July 4, 2010


Consider for a moment, would you like to??

Add more revenue streams and greater profits with very little effort and investment?
Generate more clients and work within your own business?
Become part of a referral and opportunity flow network dedicated to delivering on client
If yes, then this is our invitation to you……..

Explore the opportunity of becoming a Strategic Partner with THE PROPERTY INVESTMENT INSTITUTE and to make a difference to both our clients and our collective businesses wealth creation success.

THE PROPERTY INVESTMENT INSTITUTE is an Australian based company operating locally, regionally and nationally. We are passionate about achieving wealth and business creation results for our clients through leading edge strategies, opportunities and professional services. We provide a complete wealth and business solutions approach including

* Complete property solutions including advice, advocacy, property developments and investment opportunities.
* Access to all forms of finance and business expansion capital.
* Wealth Creation services, products and education.
* Business mentoring and also Imagineering Solutions (through our sister company HotIdeas)

What is the THE PROPERTY INVESTMENT INSTITUTE Strategic Partner Program?

The outcome when creating this initiative was to establish strategic relationships with other businesses and professionals who also want to make a difference to their clients/ contacts wealth and business creation potential and ultimately their lives by referring to our platform of services and opportunities. By becoming a strategic partner means being rewarded for your efforts, particularly in todays business environment where creating multiple streams of revenue is becoming essential to building the bottom line.

The guiding outcomes for the program is together to

* Create mutually beneficial relationships that attract, enable, and retain joint customers
* Identify new business opportunities with existing customers
* Develop lucrative opportunities through joint prospecting, lead qualification, and pipeline building
* Merge core competencies

Who can benefit from being part of the program

A potential strategic partner is simply a professional/business owner who has a database of clients and contacts with whom they have influence with and that on the strength of their recommendations will look at potential opportunities. Potential partners as an example can be,

* Accountants
* Lawyers
* Financial planners
* Finance brokers
* Business owners and consultants

The 3 reasons “why” for being a Strategic Partner

There are the 3 compelling reasons to partner with THE PROPERTY INVESTMENT INSTITUTE;

* 1 You add multiple revenue streams. By becoming a Strategic partner and referring clients to the THE PROPERTY INVESTMENT INSTITUTE's service platform, you add new cash flow opportunities in addition to your core business. Also for some of our strategic partners, by their clients choosing to do business with THE PROPERTY INVESTMENT INSTITUTE creates more work for them, e.g. if you are an Accountant, Solicitor or finance broker, the chances are they will need more of what you do.
* 2 We will show you how to get more clients.We will share with you the latest high impact low cost marketing strategies which will market you more powerfully and generate new profitable clients for your business. We run a series of Business Creator workshops that you will be invited to that will provide the marketing ideas, the collateral and the strategies that you can apply in your business to generate greater revenue results.
* 3 We will share with you powerful business building ideas.You will receive further invites to a variety of workshops designed for business leaders on a variety of business creation subjects.

JACK HENDERSON +61 411 752 216